A line chart uses points connected by line segments to show information that changes over time.
1. Plot a line chart
1.1 plt.plot
This module contains all the 2D line class which can draw with a variety of line styles, markers and colors.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(*args, **kwargs)
# The kwargs are Line2D properties
(xdata, ydata, linewidth=None, linestyle=None, color=None, marker=None, markersize=None, markeredgewidth=None, markeredgecolor=None, markerfacecolor=None, markerfacecoloralt='none', fillstyle=None, antialiased=None, dash_capstyle=None, solid_capstyle=None, dash_joinstyle=None, solid_joinstyle=None, pickradius=5, drawstyle=None, markevery=None, **kwargs)
Valid kwargs are listed on Line2D properties. All of the line properties can be controlled by keyword arguments,
, float value in pointslinestyle
solid line'--'
dashed line'-.'
dash-dotted line':'
dotted line'None'
or' '
draw nothing
any matplotlib color, refer to plt.colors()- b: blue
- g: green
- r: red
- c: cyan
- m: magenta
- y: yellow
- k: black
- w: white
The modulematplotlib.markers
is used by plot and scatter to handle markers.label
Set the label to s (string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion) for auto legend.
1.2 Save to file
savefig(*args, **kwargs)
is used to save the current figure.
plt.savefig(fname, dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1,
1.3 Others
Return a subplot axes positioned by the given grid definition.
Typical call signature:
plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, plot_number)
# for instance
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Get the current Axes instance on the current figure matching the given keyword args, or create one.
Clear the current figure.
2. Decoration
(1) Legend
Other parameters, such as loc
, the location of the legend,
'best' : 0, (only implemented for axes legends)
'upper right' : 1,
'upper left' : 2,
'lower left' : 3,
'lower right' : 4,
'right' : 5,
'center left' : 6,
'center right' : 7,
'lower center' : 8,
'upper center' : 9,
'center' : 10,
(2) ticks
plt.xticks(*args, **kwargs)
and plt.yticks(*args, **kwargs)
Get or set the x-limits of the current tick locations and labels.
# set the locations and labels of the xticks/yticks
locs, labels = plt.xticks(arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue'))
locs, labels = plt.yticks(arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue'))
(3) labels
plt.xlabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
and plt.ylabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
is to set the x/y axis label of the current axis. kwargs
is Text properties, listed here.
# plt.xlabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
override = {
'fontsize' : 'small',
'verticalalignment' : 'top',
'horizontalalignment' : 'center'
# plt.ylabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
override = {
'fontsize' : 'small',
'verticalalignment' : 'center',
'horizontalalignment' : 'right',
'rotation' : 'vertical'
(4) limits of axes
plt.xlim(*args, **kwargs)
and plt.ylim(*args, **kwargs)
get or set the x/y limits of the current axes.
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() # return the current xlim, a length 2 tuple
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) # OR plt.xlim((xmin, xmax)), set the xlim to xmin, xmax
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim(xmax=3) # adjust the max leaving min unchanged